Til baka

Brugge, Belgía


Meðlimur síðan


Opin fyrir heimilaskipti
Dagsetningar skipta Ferðalengd
January 01, 2024 - December 31, 2024 2 weeks

We are retired. Just contact us. Normally we are available, but you never know that a grandchild's needs or attention. :-)


House in center of Brugge near Beguinage. Also very close to First World War memorials area. Second house, with big garden, possible near the Belgian coast

Dear Home-exchangers,
We can offer the choice between two houses.
Luc's house (see pictures titeled Bruges):
His large 19th century classical house is located in the immediate neighbourhood of the medieval highlights of Brugge : the Beguinage, St.-Johns Hospital, Our Lady's Church, museums and canals. http://foto.brugge.be/slides/slides.htm
There is a large living room , a sitting room, a fully equipped kitchen and a closet on the ground floor.
On the first floor 2 bedrooms with double beds and on the second floor 1 bedroom with double bed and an individual sanitary cel with shower. The beautiful art-deco bathroom on the first floor is furnished with a double lavabo-set, bath, shower and toilet.
At the back of the house is a small but adorable little garden with a sunny terrace that makes the link to a private garage for 1 car.
The house is equipped with all modern comfort

Filip and Ingrid's house (see pictures titled Koksijde)
Our 1970's house in Koksijde was renovated in 2020. It is at only 15 minutes walk from the beach, and 35m minutes driving to Bruges.
The house has a small facade but does hide a spacious home with big garden. From the terrace you have a nice view over the garden and the neighboring dunes. (protected natural area, see pictures)
On the ground level we have the garage, a dining room, a sitting room with open fire, the kitchen and a toilet.
On the first floor there are two bedrooms with a double bed and a small room with child's bed. The 1° floor has also a bathroom and toilet.
On the lower level you will find the master bedroom with adjacent bathroom and toilet, an office/playroom with acces to the garden. Due to the vulnerable Wengé wooden floor, and the dangerous terrace, this house is not advisable for children.
Do not hesitate to contact us for further questions.
Kind regards from Bruges Belgium.

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Lestu meira


  • 3 Fullorðnir
  • 0 Börn
  • 47 Fyrri heimilaskipti


  • Retired Manager Product introduction roling stock.
  • Retired City Architect & planner

Heimilið okkar

  • Gerð húsnæðis: Einbýlishús
  • Hæðir: 3
  • Staðsetning heimilis: Í borginni
  • Svefnherbergi: 3
  • Baðherbergi: 2
  • Fjöldi rúma: 6
  • Stofan: 32 m2


Í húsinu okkar

  • Gæludýr - Leyft
  • Lítil börn - Leyft

Tegund skipta

  • Langtímaskipti
  • Skipti á ólíkum tímum
  • Skipti á heimilum
  • Skipti á gestrisni


  • Ókeypis nettenging
  • Afnot af tölvu
  • Miðstöðvarhitun
  • Þvottavél
  • Uppþvottavél
  • Þurrkari


  • Garður
  • Leikvöllur
  • Grill
  • Bílskúr
  • Reiðhjól: 2


  • Reykingar bannaðar

Óskir okkar um áfangastaði

  • Ireland
  • Spain
  • France
  • Great Britain
  • Italy
  • Berlijn, Duitsland
  • Griekenland
  • Portugal
  • New York, NY, USA
  • Sweden
  • Norway

Tungumál sem töluð eru

  • Enska
  • Franska
  • Spænska
  • Þýska
  • Hollenska


  • Retired Manager Product introduction roling stock.
  • Retired City Architect & planner


  • Við erum ekki með börn


  • Well trained midsized dog. We do bring a proper cage as resting place. Pipa is trained not to sit/lay in sofa's, seats, beds...

Kynning á fjölskyldunni

On the picture: Luc, Louise, Laura and Ingrid.
Our "home-exchange-family" consists of Filip (68) Ingrid (70) and our brother in law Luc (69). Filip is a retired manager of a international rolling stock factury, Ingrid is a retired architect and did work at the Department of Monuments and Townrenovation in Brugge. Luc is a retired draftsman.
As Luc happens to be a single, our families have taken the habit of travelling together. That is why we can propose choice between two houses in exchange for your house.

Depending on the destination, the wishes of possible H.E. partners, the timing, ....we would like to bring our (well trained) dog Pipa. If we may bring our dog, we do keep her in a bench (big foldable cage), that we will bring along.

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We do love traveling (of course, that’s obvious as home exchangers), walking, movie’s, all kind of music, old buildings, modern buildings, modern art, musea ……good food.

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Þessi félagsmaður á 47 farsæl heimilaskipti að baki. Hér eru nokkrir meðlimir sem hann hefur skipt við á liðnum árum: