Til baka

Roberts Creek, Kanada

Klár í skipti

Meðlimur síðan


Opin fyrir heimilaskipti
Dagsetningar skipta Ferðalengd
September 01, 2024 - October 31, 2024 4 weeks

We are flexible on the length of stay


Lodge-style home on the Sunshine Coast, 10-min walk to ocean beach

Beautiful lodge-style home on a woodsy acreage close to the ocean. It has a deck at the front with muskoka chairs, a dining area and two barbecues. The 1-hectare property is very private but it's an easy ten-minute walk to Roberts Creek, a quaint village on Canada's Sunshine Coast.
The house is located on Roberts Creek Road in Roberts Creek.
The Sunshine Coast is a scenic, 40-minute ferry ride from Vancouver. The Coast is a hidden gem with woods, mountains, lots of scenic, private beaches, waterfalls and undisturbed nature. Picturesque villages, artists, galleries, live music, good food, spas. Hiking, fishing, boat tours, kayaking, swimming, beautiful sand beaches, public golf course at 10 minutes, mountain climbing. Native culture.
Google the Sunshine Coast, or look on YouTube.

Þýða þetta
Lestu meira


  • 2 Fullorðnir
  • 0 Börn
  • 0 Fyrri heimilaskipti


  • Electrical engineer, journalist. Both retired

Heimilið okkar

  • Gerð húsnæðis: Einbýlishús
  • Staðsetning heimilis: Við sjóinn
  • Svefnherbergi: 2
  • Baðherbergi: 2
  • Fjöldi rúma: 4
  • Stofan: 160 m2

Í húsinu okkar

  • Gæludýr - Leyft
  • Lítil börn - Leyft

Tegund skipta

  • Skipti á heimilum


  • Ókeypis nettenging
  • Arinn
  • Þvottavél
  • Uppþvottavél
  • Þurrkari
  • Sjónvarp


  • Garður
  • Verönd eða svalir
  • Svalir
  • Grill
  • Reiðhjól: 2


  • Reykingar bannaðar
  • Bíll nauðsynlegur
  • Afnot/Skipti á bílum
  • Ró og friður/aðskilið frá öðrum

Óskir okkar um áfangastaði

  • Opinn fyrir tilboðum

Tungumál sem töluð eru

  • Enska
  • Franska
  • Hollenska

Næsta nágrenni okkar

Nálægasti flugvöllur: Vancouver - 70 km

The village of Roberts Creek has a little less than 2,000 inhabitants. The area around Roberts Creek was originally inhabited by the shishalh nation of the Coast Salish First Nations (indigenous people). The first white settler came in 1889, but hardly anybody followed. In the 1960s, American draft dodgers moved in, together with a lot of hippies. Then followed artists, musicians, writers and actors. Because of the beauty of the area there are a lot of expensive homes now but the 1960s vibe has never really gone away in Roberts Creek. Very friendly people, live music two or three evenings a week, music every Sunday in the summer, a funky cafe. Beautiful beach and pier. A great place to be.
Roberts Creek has a small general store, a restaurant and iconic Gumboot Cafe. The house is about 1 km from the main highway on the Sunshine Coast. The village is an easy 10-minute walk.
Joni Mitchell has a house on the Sunshine Coast.

Þýða þetta


  • Electrical engineer, journalist. Both retired


  • Við erum ekki með börn


  • We have two big dogs who will stay with friends during the exchange

Kynning á fjölskyldunni

We are a retired couple.
Philip likes reading, woodworking, working on antique cars and restoring vintage travel trailers.

Margot enjoys reading, making jewelry, sewing and working on her investigative journalism blog.

We both love traveling, archeology, history, good food, hot springs, live music, dancing and boating.

Margot has exchanged homes two times, 30 years ago. Good experience

Þýða þetta


We are easygoing people who enjoy beautiful surroundings, art and antiques. We would feel equally happy in a beautiful home in the countryside or an apartment in Istanbul, Edinburgh, Dubrovnik, Seoul, or Berlin, or. . . We like to experience new cultures and talk with people. We are open to any destination but The Netherlands as we have a home there.
We speak English, French and Dutch fluently and we get by in German.

Þýða þetta