Til baka

MILANO, Ítalía

Dining room

Dining room

Dining room

Dining room



Main bed room

Main bed room

Spare double bed

Spare double bed

The terrace

The terrace

The area around our flat

The area around our flat

Terme di Milano, just round the corner

Terme di Milano, just round the corner

Porta Romana

Porta Romana

The Fashion Area

The Fashion Area

Duomo Square

Duomo Square

Bernina Train from Tirano to St. Moritz

Bernina Train from Tirano to St. Moritz

Como Lake

Como Lake








Meðlimur síðan


Ekki opið til heimilaskipta

Þessi meðlimur er ekki með neinar tilgreindar ferðadagsetningar


Since 2018: two different proposals Milan (please contact Daniela) and Bormio (please contact Paola)

Welcome to Milan!
Our flat is located at 30' walking distance to Duomo square, the very city center. It's a nice 100 sqm flat with a large and a small balcony.  The flat is situated in the internal side of the building, so it's a very quiet one. Underground station is just round the corner and it takes 10' to reach Duomo Square, 15' to Montenapoleone and 20' to the main railway station (Stazione Centrale). Using Bikemi, the free bike sharing, you will enjoy better our smart town.
You may wish to visit Milan for many reasons: history and art as you may see roman heritages as many as new architectural worldwide appreciated building and skyscrapers, museum and important exhibitions or masterpieces as Leonardo da Vinci's Last Supper. Design and fashion as Milan is one of the most important cities who gave birth to designers and masters as Armani, Prada, Achille Castiglioni or Gio Ponti. Shopping experiences like a big city can offer with big mall or narrow lanes full of artisan and handmade products. And, last but not least, great food and good eating experience from cheese to wine you will enjoy walking around downtown and the famous Darsena channels.
Look for more details in http://www.turismo.milano.it/wps/portal/tur/en


Þýða þetta
Lestu meira


  • 3 Fullorðnir
  • 0 Börn
  • 16 Fyrri heimilaskipti


  • Daniela, employee
  • Gabriele, journalist
  • Paola, architect

Heimilið okkar

  • Gerð húsnæðis: Blokkaríbúð
  • Hæðir: 6 with elevator +1
  • Staðsetning heimilis: Í borginni
  • Svefnherbergi: 3
  • Baðherbergi: 2
  • Fjöldi rúma: 4
  • Stofan: 100 m2
  • Allt heimilið: 140 m2


Í húsinu okkar

  • Gæludýr - Ekki leyft
  • Lítil börn - Leyft

Tegund skipta

  • Skipti á ólíkum tímum
  • Skipti á heimilum


  • Ókeypis nettenging
  • Afnot af tölvu
  • Loftkæling
  • Miðstöðvarhitun
  • Þvottavél
  • Uppþvottavél
  • Sjónvarp


  • Verönd eða svalir
  • Svalir


  • Reykingar bannaðar
  • Lyfta
  • Ró og friður/aðskilið frá öðrum

Óskir okkar um áfangastaði

  • New York, NY, USA
  • UTI Giuliana, Italy
  • Lisbon, Portugal
  • Vienna, Austria

Tungumál sem töluð eru

  • Enska
  • Ítalska
  • Franska
  • Spænska
  • Portúgalska

Næsta nágrenni okkar

Nálægasti flugvöllur: Linate - 7

  • shopping Carrefour market (0.3 km)

If you wish to come to Milan you can't miss: the Duomo, Vittorio Emanuele Gallery, Scala Square and Theatre, Cenacolo Vinciano (Last Supper),Castello Sforzesco, Sant'Ambrogio, San Satiro church and Brera Pinacoteque.

Outside Milan: Como and Bellagio, Bernina Red Train, Mantova with The Duke Palace in Sordello Square and Te Palace, Maggiore Lake with Domodossola and the Monte Rosa.
You will find up to date tourist info brochures at home.
More info at the Tourist Office based at the entrance of Castello Sforzesco: http://www.tourism.milan.it

Mall and department stores:  
La Rinascente is the Milan oldest and more famous dept. store. Here you may find everything from clothes to home wares of very good quality a lot of made in Italy but quite expensive!
I suggest that you visit at least the 7th floor...you have a very nice view on Duomo  spires .

And the famous fashion area: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milan_fashion

In Porta Romana Square you have also TERME di MILANO a SPA for your wellbeing:

                                                 Enjoy your stay in Milan!

Þýða þetta


  • Daniela, employee
  • Gabriele, journalist
  • Paola, architect


  • Við erum ekki með börn


  • We have no pet in Milan and in Bormio

Kynning á fjölskyldunni

Daniela and Gabriele wish to swap their house in downtown Milan IT 13303 as we did already from 2014.
Starting from 2018, with my sister Paola and my brother Andrea we wish to swap also our family house in Bormio, a village on the mountains between Switzerland and Sudtirol.
When we were young we spent in this house beautiful holidays. Now we wish to swap this house with Intervac friends.
Paola, in particular, is looking for swap opportunities for her and her 2 children, Michele (18) and Francesco (16).
Paola is an architect with long experience in creating maquette for important architects like Vittorio Gregotti. She is now dedicated to create hand-made jewels. Michele is studying music (trumpet and piano) at Milano music conservatoire and Francesco is a good basketball player and a good student, too. They wish to swap for long week end in European main towns. For longer distances they may plan longer holidays apart of schooltime.

Þýða þetta


Daniela and Gabriele are fond of art and literature but also like to spend holidays in nice places where walking and biking is possible.
Paola with Michele and Francesco are willing to discover nice places around the world!

Þýða þetta


Þessi félagsmaður á 16 farsæl heimilaskipti að baki. Hér eru nokkrir meðlimir sem hann hefur skipt við á liðnum árum: